Thursday, August 14, 2008

"Oh those boys are much too much! Those boys are much too much!"

Now I not going to say too much about the Dad’s “body language” in this commercial (cause we all know there are many “like him” who are dad’s too). Anyway, the commercial is too cute "Oh those boys are much too much! Those boys are much too much!"

According to the Ad council “More than 79% of Americans feel "the most significant family or social problem facing America is the physical absence of the father from the home." Research shows that the lack of a father in the home correlates closely with crime, educational and emotional problems, teenage pregnancy, and drug and alcohol abuse.

In an effort to show dads the critical role they play in their children's lives, the Ad Council has partnered with the National Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse and volunteer ad agency Campbell-Ewald to create a new PSA campaign that communicates to fathers that their presence is essential to their children's well-being. The campaign provides fathers with the information they need to become better dads.

While Dad’s body language is questionable the underlined point is that being a parent is really about being in the moment with your children. Being in the moment simply means eliminating the distractions, yes distractions such as talking on phone, perusing the internet, and yes watchin YOUR show. The great thing is that these moments become great teachable moments which turn into lasting moments that your children can carry on into adulthood.

I remember walking home with my dad from school and when it was COLDDDDDD! He would pop the collar of his coat and say “Baby we gotta hurry up and get home cause the hulk is out” Every time he said this I swear I starting looking for the incredible hulk to jump out somewhere. It wasn’t until sometime later that I realized “the hulk” was the cold wind. But I remember our walks home as fun and full of sixties lingo.


Unknown said...

I also love this commercial, and by the way the wind was and still is called the Hawk, not the Hulk, trust me I know.

Unknown said...

I never post anything to a website, but this is the most charming, endearing and wonderful advertisement I have seen in ages. It is so wonderful. Whoever thought this up was nothing less than genius.

Leonard said...

One of the most touching commercials in a long time. I have to disagree with RBM on the body language issue. I see it as a guy being a little silly with his daughter and spoofing some body movements that some might consider effiminate.

Patricia said...

This is Pat from TX and I agree that this is a fabulous commercial! I was a little disappointed that RBM mentioned the dad's "body language" twice; it shows a fundemental misplacement of priorities. I agree with Leonard that the actor in the commercial was probably just having a good time, but to Red Bone Mama...WHO CARES?!?! Your community seems to be so preoccupied with whether men are homosexual or not that they overlook many serious problems, i.e. absentee fathers. I work primarily with black children here in my state, and many of them don't have dads like the one in this commercial. I praise the commercial and the actor irrespective of his "body language".

Unknown said...

iEveryone knows that body language is exaggerated when you cheer! This commercial is GREAT! I agree it was genius on the part of the ad company!..Kam from Idaho

Unknown said...

RBM kind of missed the joke. The man's "body language" was supposed to raise an eyebrow---the eyebrow of the woman in the apartment witnessing a grown man behaving like a cheerleader. The body language is kind of the point.

Anonymous said...

Is the body language even an issue? the fact that RBM even drew attention to it once let alone twice is ridiculous. It doesn't mean he's homosexual, it doesn't mean anything except the man is a good father helping his daughter out with his cheers. A commendable thing. Ignorant comments similar to the ones RBM makes take away from the issue at hand which is there needs to be more men doing what is right and being apart of their children's lives.

Anonymous said...

I don't see this man as homosexual--just a man getting into helping his child with her cheerleading. Like it's been said--the commercial is exaggerated to contrast with what the woman assumed--and what was really going on.

You talk about getting away from distractions, but it looks like he is doing just that--disregarding others' possible bigoted judgments about his sexuality. How disappointing you seem to focus more energy on his possible homosexuality than celebrating a man for honoring his commitment as a father to his daughter. I think that in itself speaks volumes.

RBM--your comments and obvious bigoted attitude about men "like him" are prejudiced, misplaced and offensive. I am sure as a black woman you have been equally diminished by racist or sexist ignorance in some way during your lifetime.
I invite you to examine the connection between that and your opinions about this commercial.

Unknown said...

RBM is the old woman making the assumption without seeing the whole picture: his daughter is just out of the frame and he's helping her with her cheers. Obviously it had the same effect on him (RGM). It does make the point to him; is that guy gay or what? Take a closer look and pay attention to people. His reaction makes a great follow up commercial.

Unknown said...

These adds annoy many of us dads in the fatherhood movement. As we want to be there however we are reduced to being a payee not a parent & we are given every other weekend if the mother dont come up with an excuse

Unknown said...

So bdk fatherhood, you work 24/7?

And the mention of his body language is ridiculous and completely missed the point. Hello, he's having fun and joking around with his daughter, not caring what dumbass ignorant people like you think of him. His sole focus is his daughter--helping her however he can. If he's gonna stand there and be some stoic brute of a man, how is she going to perceive that? How is that going to show his interest and attempt to help her with her cheer? It's a CHEER; how else is he supposed to act?

Your comments are really so stupid that you should rethink having a blog and spewing out that ignorance on such an accessible forum.