Monday, August 18, 2008

Soft Kiddie Birthday Video....Thanks Mom!

"Oh those Parents are much too much! Those Parents are much too much!" Big hat tip to Necole and Gina on this one and trust me in the next couple of days the video will be making the e-mail rounds if it ain’t taken down yet. Guess these parents haven’t seen the PSA above or if they did then they just took the whole “Parental Involvement” to a WHOLE NEW LEVEL.

Disgusted is all I can say. No! APPALLED. I’m sure there are going to be thousands of comments on various sites regarding “this is why the black family is where it’s at” but, it just goes sooooo much deeper. In essence these parents have reinforced age old sexual stereotypes on a bunch of four, five, six and seven year little girls and boys.

Like Ceilia said from the Color Purple “beat them” the parents I mean. Then sit there little @ss down and have them read Freaks, Gold Diggers, Divas, and Dykes: The Sociohistorical Development of Adolescent African American Women’ Sexual Scripts By Dionne P. Stephens & Layli D. Phillips (It’s on the internet) Below are excepts from their study:

“The development of a sexual self is based in an understanding of the messages
and meanings an individual is given about sexual roles and behaviors. To
understand how meanings become scripts unique to adolescent African American
women’s experiences, it is important to look at how their images have been
framed within a racialized and sexualized sociohistorical context.”
Ms. Phillips needs to add Parental to the list.

“This paper explores the sociohistorical development of current sexual scripts
for African American female adolescents through an interpretation of Hip Hop
culture documents, and the available empirical research. The relevance of these
current sexual scripts to sexual identity development, sexual risk-taking
behaviors, and interpersonal relationship dynamics are also addressed.”

So basically in that little snapshot she address all the ills that these parents/guardians, family members what ever have reinforced in this video. Here’s the list on what these girls can expect out of life folks:

High HIV/AIDS Rate
Children born out-of-wedlock
High Abortion Rates
Sexually Transmitted Disease
Low Self Esteem
Career working your local stripper pole.

For the little boys…well they are learning that black little girls are no more then objects to be utilized as sexual desires. Not the Queens that they should be honored as.

Now, I don’t want to hear any adults complain about sexual harassment charges being placed on there son in third grade or he didn’t know bullsh%t

And you know what really was the worst part of this crap video was that not one parent took their kid off the dance floor…not one! Thanks Mom, Dad, Auntie Nici, Uncle John and Cousin Tay!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

"Oh those boys are much too much! Those boys are much too much!"

Now I not going to say too much about the Dad’s “body language” in this commercial (cause we all know there are many “like him” who are dad’s too). Anyway, the commercial is too cute "Oh those boys are much too much! Those boys are much too much!"

According to the Ad council “More than 79% of Americans feel "the most significant family or social problem facing America is the physical absence of the father from the home." Research shows that the lack of a father in the home correlates closely with crime, educational and emotional problems, teenage pregnancy, and drug and alcohol abuse.

In an effort to show dads the critical role they play in their children's lives, the Ad Council has partnered with the National Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse and volunteer ad agency Campbell-Ewald to create a new PSA campaign that communicates to fathers that their presence is essential to their children's well-being. The campaign provides fathers with the information they need to become better dads.

While Dad’s body language is questionable the underlined point is that being a parent is really about being in the moment with your children. Being in the moment simply means eliminating the distractions, yes distractions such as talking on phone, perusing the internet, and yes watchin YOUR show. The great thing is that these moments become great teachable moments which turn into lasting moments that your children can carry on into adulthood.

I remember walking home with my dad from school and when it was COLDDDDDD! He would pop the collar of his coat and say “Baby we gotta hurry up and get home cause the hulk is out” Every time he said this I swear I starting looking for the incredible hulk to jump out somewhere. It wasn’t until sometime later that I realized “the hulk” was the cold wind. But I remember our walks home as fun and full of sixties lingo.